The Australian Grand Prix Corporation and the City of Port Phillip will implement a restricted parking zone for the local area. This will involve implementing temporary parking restrictions around Middle Park and Albert Park.
The area in which temporary parking restrictions will apply is highlighted in this map.
The following temporary parking restrictions will apply in the Restricted Parking Zone during the four-day event period from Thursday, 13 March 2025, to Sunday, 16 March 2025:
- Existing 4P and unrestricted zones will be adjusted to 90-minute zones
- Existing 2P or Permit zones, which only operate Monday to Friday (or Monday to Saturday), will also be adjusted to include Saturday and Sunday
- Existing Loading zones, clearways or Disabled parking bays will not be modified.
Properties within the Local Parking Area will receive two temporary parking permits in the mail to exempt them from temporary parking changes. The City of Port Phillip will issue these to all affected properties.
The council’s parking enforcement officers will patrol and enforce all signposted parking restrictions. All vehicles must comply with signposted parking zones or display a valid parking permit to be exempt from time limit restrictions. Illegally parked vehicles will be subject to fines and towaways for obstructing access.
Additional permits may be requested by contacting City of Port Phillip ASSIST on 9209 6777. AGPC is unable to distribute Temporary Parking Permits.
For more information, please click here.
Click here to view a map of the adjusted parking area.
Outside of the Grand Prix™ race period, commercial premises in Albert Park remain open for business.
For further information on hours of operation and access to these businesses, please contact the business directly or contact Parks Victoria at (03) 8427 2010 or
You can obtain a permit through the City of Port Phillip town halls:
- St Kilda Town Hall: Corner Brighton Road and Carlisle Street, St Kilda
- Port Melbourne Town Hall: 333 Bay Street, Port Melbourne
This year, the Australian Grand Prix Corporation is pleased to offer free Park Pass tickets to our local community on Thursday, 13 March 2025. Thursday entry also includes free access to all grandstands.
Residents and business owners within postcodes 3182, 3205, 3206, and 3004 can present a valid ID (or a utility bill accompanied by an ID showing your name) showing their address to be granted Park Pass access.
Those eligible can receive one ticket per person living at the address.
These can be redeemed on Thursday, 13 March 2025, at the ticketing box office at gates 2, 3, 5, 8 and 10.
Community Day tickets for local residents are subject to availability.
Emergency vehicles have 24-hour access to the area. For emergency assistance, telephone 000.
The Community Playground next to the Middle Park Bowls Club will remain open except during Albert Park's closure (11-17 March 2025). It will be accessible via the Middle Park underpass car park or Aughtie Drive.
Due to the changed conditions, please take care when accessing the area.
For cyclists on all park roads, access will be maintained except during access periods and the Grand Prix™ race period.
Clearly signed detours will be provided during the restricted-access periods on park roads and other pathways where necessary.
Please obey these signs for your safety. Cyclists should be aware that temporary speed humps will be installed on some shared pathways.
Due to the changed conditions, please take care when riding through the area.
For fans travelling to the circuit by electric scooter, there are dedicated drop-off locations near Gates 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, and 10.
Neuron and Lime have dedicated parking zones. Please note that travel close to the event will be restricted, and fans are asked to store electric scooters in dedicated parking locations.
The following details the permitted parking locations for scooters around the venue:
- Gate 1 - Corner of Canterbury Rd and McGregor St
- Gate 1 - Corner of Armstrong St and Richardson St
- Gate 2 - Corner of Canterbury Rd and Wright St
- Gate 3 - Corner of Clarendon St and Albert Rd
- Gate 3 - Corner of Albert Rd and Old Aughtie Dr
- Gate 5 - Corner of Kings Way and Albert Rd
- Gate 8 - Corner of Roy St and Queens Rd
- Gate 10 - Corner of Fitzroy St and Lakeside Dr
For any issues with scooter parking locally, please get in touch with Lime and Neuron directly at:
Outside the Grand Prix™ Race Period, all of Albert Park remains open for use by the community except for fenced construction sites and controlled work areas.
Signage will indicate restricted areas whilst infrastructure is being erected and dismantled. Please obey these signs for your safety.
Motorists, park tenants and park users should note that there will be periods of restricted access on Lakeside Drive, Aughtie Drive and other roads within the park on certain days.
Throughout the FORMULA 1 AUSTRALIAN GRAND PRIX 2026, regular access to Albert Park Reserve may be affected due to the installation and dismantling of infrastructure.
The Contractors Hours of Work will be:
- 07:00 – 18:00 Monday-Friday
- 09:00-15:00 Saturday-Sunday (by approval only)
While every effort will be made to minimise disruption to park users and the local community, some activities may happen outside those proposed due to unforeseen circumstances.
Any changes will be made in consultation with and approval from Parks Victoria and other affected parties where possible and appropriate.
Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre (MSAC) remains open throughout the Grand Prix™ race period.
Access and parking for MSAC during the Grand Prix™ will be via the multi-deck car park between Wednesday, 12 March 2025, and Sunday, 16 March 2025. Entry and exit will be only from the Albert Road and Cecil Street intersection. The southern car park will be closed during this time.
Between Wednesday, 12 March 2025, and Sunday, 16 March 2025, there will be no access through the entry off Aughtie Drive. Foot traffic into the facility will be via the aquatic entry adjacent to the multi-deck car park.
To ensure you get to MSAC on time, we suggest you:
- Leave earlier than you would normally.
- Consider parking further from MSAC and walking to the facility.
- Use public transport.
For facility operating hours, visit or call (03) 9926 1555.
Event activities will occur from Wednesday, 12 March 2025, and Sunday, 16 March 2025, from approximately 7:00 am - 7:30 pm daily. Event activities may be loud (e.g. track activity and air displays).
Residents who want to reduce noise levels should use soft foam disposable earplugs.
For further information about Albert Park Reserve or recreational boating activities on the lake in the lead-up to and during the event, please call Parks Victoria (Albert Park Office) at (03) 8427 2010 or visit
It is recommended that pets sensitive to noise be kept indoors during track activity and aerial displays.
Dogs can be walked in Albert Park as per usual except fenced works areas and during the Grand Prix™ race period.
For a complete list of event activities, please refer to the Schedule.
Schools will notify parents directly of any changes to standard daily procedures.
Before, during and after the FORMULA 1 AUSTRALIAN GRAND PRIX 2026, there will be security on-site at Albert Park.
If you have any security concerns or enquiries, please get in touch with us or call (03) 9258 7100 during business hours.
If you see anything suspicious, please call 000.